Attached to the guesthouse, there is our own butcher shop, which we operate in the 4th generation. We are particularly proud of it, because like this, we can control what you get on your plate. We slaughter cattle ourselves. This may sound cruel, but that’s the only way we know at what state the animals are and we can prevent that animals wouldn’t suffer from the long and terrible transport routes. We produce sausage and ham ourselves – it’s costly, but the demand and the quality prove us to be right. In earlier times we even had our own farm but currently we have leased it out. Well, one cannot do everything alone. Enjoy your meal!
What to expect
- Highest quality
- Eigene Schlachtung (Rinder)
- Own production
- Butchery in 4th generation
- Shortest transportation route for living animals
- Grounded in the region