Enjoy your meal!
Versuchungen sollte man nachgeben.
Man weiß nicht ob sie wiederkommen!
Oscar Wilde
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Menu of the day
Tasty food – will do you good! About that we are convinced. That’s why we make sure you eat only what is good for you. Which is due to our cooking skills and our own slaughter. We are against a long transport of animals. Some cattle walk just across the yard, and this, you can taste. The regionality is a prerequisite for a good food. We cook Bavarian regional specialties and are really proud to do so. Our beer comes from a family owned brewery called “Wieninger” and our wines directly from the winery. At the same time we try to put the flavor before the name and the price. We prefer the honesty of our products over their marketing. Our daily menu changes daily (see the link on the left side) and many of the products are coming from our own butchery shop.
Most of the good days begin with a really tasty breakfast. For us it means freshly brewed coffee – whether you want cappuccino, latte macchiato or espresso – and rich breakfast buffet. The sausage comes from our own butchery, the salmon is homemade smoked, the fruit is crispy fresh and our terrace invites you for the sunrise.